Friday, September 23, 2011

Bunjer Golf Outing 2011

Winners!!! My team!

Bobby's team!

Never thought I would see the day, me golfing!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

2nd grade - West Dodge Station

Beautiful little girl growing up before our eyes!! Best of luck today Taylor bug!

Tay was signaling me to walk away :) All line up with her class...

Trenton is a goof nut!

Taylor and her new teacher Mrs. Wees.

Trenton had to get in another shot! :)

Friday, July 22, 2011

Taylor's 7th Birthday Sleepover!

Hayley, Taylor, Nyah... gift time!!

Some water fun down the slide...

Big cookie time! Taylor has wanted one of these for a long time from Eileens!

Family Birthday Party

Happy Family Birthday party Day!! Wow, we have a 7 year old and 3 year old!! :)

Gift time in the backyard after some water fun!

Cake time.......

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter 2011

Easter Morning! We were excited to hunt for eggs, the bunny hid lots around the house! We went to 9:30 AM Mass and did great! We had to stand and still did awesome!! We patiently waited for daddy to cut the grass and headed over to Grandma & Grandpa Bunjers for lunch and another egg hunt with our Bunjer cousins... loved it! However Trenton fell down on the stairs, got really tired and upset :( He then passed out on me and woke up with a 102 temp! Next morning we found out he had strep! Ugh. Poor little guy can not catch a break! We got most of the fun in before he went down hill!

Easter at the Bunjer's

After I found some eggs.. and before my 102 fever! Boo....

Bunjer Cousins!

Peter Rabbit...thanks to Uncle Dan and Aunt Katie

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Trenton's love for trains!

While Taylor was practicing soccer, daddy & I watched 3 trains go by up close! I LOVED it!! I love the coal trains in particular.. so fun!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Sunday, March 20th, 2011 - Trenton first ER visits

Well, this is my worst nightmare and any parents I am sure. I am still shaking, still upset, and overly emotional about it all.... I was up doing laundry after giving the kids a bath Sunday (3/22) night. Bob was getting the food ready to put on the grill.. Trenton was sitting on the what we thought to be a "safe" bar stool while watching his daddy. He suddenly wanted down of course. He got his leg stuck in the base of the bar stool and lost balance, pulling the rod iron portion of the stool onto his forehead. I heard screaming from upstairs, I ran down only to see a horrific scene ... We did what we could to slow down the bleeding and were out our door with in 5 minutes of this happening, arrived to a packed Urgent Care close to our house. They were so kind, let us go ahead of everyone and had plenty of nice people come up to me offering to help. The nurses were so sweet and obviously very worried about our Trenton. They cleaned him up, put the numbing gel on his forehead, put on a Shrek DVD for Trenton, and we waited for the stitches.. but doctor was not confident with this deep of a cut at the urgent care so sent us to a specialist at Childrens Hospital.. we were thankful for his honesty! We then dropped Tay off at home with my parents (thank you mom & dad), grabbed a few things and were off to the emergency room. Lots of waiting, very nice staff there.. A great doctor was able to stitch Trenton up with nothing but the numbing gel on his forehead (VERY POWERFUL stuff). Trenton was so brave, he probably only cried 5 of the 30 minutes it took to do this. He even fell asleep at times. Bob was so CALM and patient, I would not have gotten through this without him. He watched every second of the stitches being done and held both Trenton's hand talking to him the whole time. I being a basket case, was rubbing Trenton's feet and kept telling him how much we loved him and how brave he was. I was closing my eyes and putting my head down, again the nurse asked if I needed help or wanted to leave the room. Geez, was I that obvious :). We took some pictures of Trenton last night! He was exhausted, but had enough energy to smile for us! His big sister loves him so much, she was so worried all day at school... she has so much LOVE for Trenton and wants only for him to get back to normal... Wow, it was a crazy and long night...

Taylor finally sees he is doing much better and so much LOVE as you can see...

I don't think I let him go or kept my eye off him once yesterday!

14 Stitches - Layer 1 has three, Layer 2 has two, and Layer 3 has 9. Could see Trenton's skull prior the stitching. Just aweful and scary, as you can only imagine. He looks so wonderful here! Daddy thinks the scar will be a good story for him to tell and make him look like one tough dude!

I am still an honoree little stinker!